Find Effective Relief for Neck and Back Pain

at Trinity Chiropractic with Dr. Trenton Johns

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Serving Louisville & Southern Indiana

Trinity Chiropractic offers a full-spectrum approach of chiropractic treatments and rehabilitative procedures. Dr. Trenton Johns founded Trinity Chiropractic with the goal to provide corrective and wellness-based healthcare.

Dr. Johns starts with a detailed exam to develop a unique treatment plan for you. Our staff will then collaborate over your exam findings and treatment goals to provide excellent chiropractic care and therapies.

Trinity Chiropractic serves the Louisville and Southern Indiana area with personalized and specific chiropractic care.

Addressing the Cause of Neck & Back Pain

We want to help you find the CAUSE of your problem and walk through the techniques that bring relief and correction. 

We evaluate for whiplash and ligament injuries. Our treatment helps minimize the pain and rehabilitate the injuries.

We use spinal decompression therapy to relieve pain and rehabilitate bulging or herniated discs and pinched nerves.

Chiropractic adjustments, stretches, exercises, and other therapies are performed to help decrease your pain and help you move normally again without medications, injections, or surgeries.

Knee decompression therapy helps to re-hydrate the meniscus and decrease pain.

Our custom orthotics help bring stability and balance to the foundation of your body – your feet!

Dr. Johns provides treatment of both the mother and baby throughout pregnancy & birth.

Dr. Trenton Johns and his staff serve Louisville and Southern Indiana with strategic, board-certified chiropractic care.

Meet Dr. Trenton Johns

When I was 12 years old, I was asked the question, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" Not knowing the answer, I prayed for God to place me in the career that He could use me the most for His glory.

Nine years later, I found myself moving by faith to South Carolina to begin classes at Sherman College of Chiropractic. During my first week of school, I heard the philosophy of the chiropractic profession which, in my words, says, "God created our bodies to be healthy and it is controlled by the brain and nerve system. Spinal misalignments (called subluxations) cause nerve pressure and interferences that prevent the body from functioning correctly. Chiropractors lay hands on people to remove that interference and allow the body to heal itself the way God created." 

It was in that moment that my passion for the chiropractic profession was launched, and I am confident of my position to lead patients into better health.

Dr. Johns has been certified by The National Board of Chiropractic Examiners for Parts I, II, III, and IV of national boards as well as Physiotherapy. He is also licensed and certified by the Kentucky State Board of Chiropractic Examiners.

Meet the Staff
Dr. Trenton Johns and his staff serve Louisville and Southern Indiana with strategic, board-certified chiropractic care.

The pain in my hands and fingers — gone. I can turn my neck completely, and I can lift weights again. I am so glad I came to Trinity Chiropractic!


Watch Brandie's Story

Our Services

Chiropractic Care

Neck, back, or extremity problems can begin from many different causes. Chiropractic adjustments are a safe and effective way to help correct those problems through hands-on methods.

Decompression Therapy

For patients who are suffering from severe problems caused by a herniated disc, sciatica, or neck pain, Dr. Johns offers a more comprehensive treatment with the technology of decompression. 

Corrective Exercises & Rehab

We address the muscle, ligament, and disc problems associated with misaligned spines through a variety of rehabilitative techniques such as stretches, exercises, traction, and electric stimulation therapy. We also offer coaching on special exercises that can be performed in your own home.

Custom Orthotics

Our orthotics are custom-made from a digital scan of your feet to support your feet and body. This can help reduce pain or pressure on the feet and relieve other conditions like knee, hip, low back, and even neck problems!

Prenatal & Pediatric Care

Dr. Johns is a member of the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association and is certified in the Webster Technique which has been shown to help relieve intra-uterine constraint in pregnancy.

I had excruciating pain in my shoulder. I started seeing Dr. Johns, and the pain started going away. I feel good every day of the week now! It has made my job a whole lot easier because I'm not in pain.


Watch Joe's Story

Your Stages of Care

Chiropractic care is like building a house - certain things have to happen in a particular order for everything to work correctly. When building a house, if you tried to put up your walls before a solid foundation, your walls would be weak and collapse.

The same is true for your body. Your body has to go through a particular plan of care in order to repair itself correctly and fully:


Pain Relief Care

Many of our clients seek out chiropractic care because of an injury, ache, or pain. Our initial goals are to help reduce the severity of your symptoms and get you back to being able to perform your regular activities.


Corrective Chiropractic Care

After helping people move past the Pain Relief phase, Dr. Johns will review treatment options to address the deeper underlying cause of the condition. If we only help a patient eliminate pain without correcting the root cause, not only will the pain return, but it will also likely get worse.


Wellness/Maintenance Care

Just as our vehicles need regular, routine maintenance (oil, fluids, tire rotation, etc.), so does your body! This phase of care may involve a treatment plan of chiropractic adjustments, home exercises, supplements, custom orthotics, and/or spinal decompression therapy to keep you healthy.

Chiropractic care is like building a house - certain things have to happen in a particular order for everything to work correctly. When building a house, if you tried to put up your walls before a solid foundation, your walls would be weak and collapse.

The same is true for your body. Your body has to go through a particular plan of care in order to repair itself correctly and fully:

Your Very First Visit

Your first visit into our office will be much more in-depth and thorough than your other visits. We make sure to allow ample time to understand your concerns and examine the problems at hand. Here's what you can expect.


Detailed Examination

Dr. Johns will perform a detailed examination of your condition while considering the impact it may have on your whole body. A thorough physical examination, orthopedic testing, neurological screening, posture assessment, and range of motion evaluation are performed.


Imaging Studies

We have advanced digital x-rays technology on-site for evaluation, if the doctor determines this is necessary. Dr. Johns can also look at any previous MRI results you already have to help determine your condition. A digital scan of your feet, to determine stability at the foundation of your body (the feet), may be performed as well.


Discuss Findings & Results

Specific time will be scheduled for you to meet with Dr. Johns to review your exam and x-ray results. Dr. Johns will give you treatment options with reasonable goals to help you decide how to move forward with a treatment plan.


Recommend a Plan of Action

Based on your exam findings, Dr. Johns will develop a unique treatment plan specific to your conditions and goals. Dr. Johns has completed his chiropractic education and several post-graduate courses to incorporate a variety of techniques, skills, therapies, supplements, and products to help you achieve the best results. 

We really appreciate Dr. Johns and his office staff! They remember who you are, and they remember your name. As soon as you start coming, they treat you like family.


Watch Elizabeth's Story
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